Dear Clients and Friends,
On Monday, February 28, 2022 we are pleased to announce that Animal Medical Center of Chicago will be opening our doors again to receive both clients and pets in the hospital. Yeah! We truly missed seeing you all!
When you and your pet arrive at AMCOC, please call the Care Coordinators at 773.525.3353. In honor of social distancing, please wait in your car or on our heated porch before a Veterinary Assistant escorts you to an examination room. For the safety of our staff and yourself, everyone must still wear a face mask to enter the building.
If you’d rather not enter the building, we will continue to offer curbside visits, too. Just let us know what you’d like to do. We are very flexible!
I’d also like to announce that we have started again posting regularly on AMCOC’S Facebook and Instagram account. We will share wonderful photos of our patients and interesting pet stories. I hope they make you smile and/or teach you something new.
To re-energize our AMCOC Facebook page, I’m going to share with you a timely pandemic story about one of our recent patients.

Meet Poppy a senior German Shepherd who recently seems to be getting herself into lots of trouble! Poppy came to see me the other day for her bi- annual examination and vaccines. Her pet parents said she was doing great at home. Within minutes of entering the examination room, Poppy started to vomit multiple times and became mildly depressed. Her parents reported that they had not fed Poppy anything new and could not think of anything that she may have gotten into. Her physical examination was relatively unremarkable except for a slightly tender abdomen and bit of drooling. I decided to postpone her vaccines till she was feeling better. I sent her home on a bland diet with the hope that she would feel better the next day.
Within 12-hours, Poppy became disinterested in food and water. She returned the following morning to AMCOC and was examined by Dr. Pam Janik. She took radiographs of her abdomen and it showed a thin curved wire-like object in her stomach.
What do you think is in her stomach? Clue: COVID related.
Please go to our AMCOC facebook page for the answer. While there, please Like Us so that you can receive other fun stories and pictures of our furry friends.
We look forward to seeing you soon inside the hospital!
Wishing you all good health and good times ahead.
Dr. Donna Solomon and the Staff of Animal Medical Center of Chicago.